MTR Behaviours (2023)

MTR Platform x MITnodeX
Fig x: Rush hour crowding in the Admiralty Station

MTR is collaborating with MITnodeX on a complete assessment of the present MTR Station. Our team was entrusted with conducting a study on the platform’s peak hour conditions. By examining the group human behavior in the station and how they produce conflicting traffic circumstances at different times of the day. Pushing for a new design direction that will benefit the MTR station’s crowd movement.

Admiralty MTR Station
Human Behaviour in the Platform

The study starts by observing crowd patterns on the MTR platform, paying close attention to how people moved around and clustered at the various train doors. 

The first issue is that visitors get trapped due to the mixed flow people coming from escalators and train exits everywhere.

Second, the crowds are not fairly distributed across the waiting platform, causing congestion in some areas.

1. Cluster people in the mtr platform
2. Commuter flow in the mtr platform
Navigation in the MTR platform

Revamping the current MTR app to recieve more real time information that is supported by installed IOTs in the MTR platform which will real updates to users phone before they make their mtr trips. This can allow commuters to map out better, safer routes without the confrontation of a crowd. The FLOW app combine and refine different facets of information about the current conditions of the MTR back to the user, building a more integrated user experience.

On top of this the app provides a platform that uses an AR navigation system that helps to guide unfamiliar commuters to their trip around the station. The App uses the phone camera and guides the user step by step across the station to different exits and facilities. This function is mainly used by tourists and elderly users who can’t navigate their way without help.

MTR Buddy App

Dynamic Pricing

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